Learn n’ Play goes beyond conventional child daycare services.
We provide an attractive, uncrowded environment that inspires self-directed, open play to encourage creativity and imagination. Our programs provide guided games and lessons that occupy the child’s day, building the skills and knowledge to prepare for kindergarten and beyond.
It can never be too early to start building solid learning habits. Our dedicated, enthusiastic educators support the child for a happy and positive start in every area of their development. We provide our students with the foundation for a life time love of learning with our superior daycare programs.
To learn more, give us a call now, or schedule a free, no obligation consultation on Learn n’ Play’s daycare programs.
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Learn n’ Play Philosophy
Learn n’ Play day care services use a child focused, educational approach that values and nurtures the child: the physical, social, emotional and cognitive (attention span, memory, reasoning, learning, etc.). A child learns independently or in a group, with structured or unstructured play and activities, in our unique, daycare programs.
Learn n' Play child care offers more than traditional daycare. Here are some of the programs we have to offer your toddler:
- Sign language for early communication skills and development of language
- Music and movement program for physical, language and social development
- Introduction to reading, writing, math and science for academic preparation
- Yoga for physical care, development and self-regulation
- Fine arts program to encourage imagination, creative thinking and problem solving
- Cooking program to teach children about nutrition and well being
- Healthy, hot meals
- Toilet training in conjunction with home training
- Montessori practical life and sensorial programs
Every child at Learn n' Play daycare is given the opportunity to explore and learn in their own way and at their own rate. A comprehensive, quality start to education can instill in a child a life-long love of learning, positive self-esteem and higher social, emotional, verbal and intellectual development.
Research shows that when a child begins their education in quality, early learning, daycare programs, they do better in school, are more developed socially and emotionally, and display higher verbal and intellectual skills than a child that was not enrolled in quality, educational daycare programs.
The child, parents and educators are all parts of the harmonious community and services we have created. Every child is special, and we strive to give each one the care, attention and encouragement they need to reach their full potential in all areas of their life as they move on from our unique day care services.
Our Programs
Learn n’ Play, or LnP, offers quality, group daycare programs in the lower mainland. We have a variety of child day care services including infant, toddler and children ages 3-5, With trained, experienced educators in a unique, fully secure, holistic and educational setting, Learn n’ Play balances care, learning, health and nutrition.
At Learn n' Play we teach baby sign language to ease the frustrations of baby, and caring adults, by giving the pre-verbal child basic communication skills for things like food, water or favorite items. Often a baby who signs will learn to speak earlier than one who doesn’t and baby signing can also help to develop reasoning skills and self-esteem.
Junior Kindergarten
Our professional early childhood educators incorporate the best of several teaching methods for structured and unstructured, fun, play based learning that will support Junior Kindergarteners in discovering themselves and gaining confidence and independence. We will foster your child's love of learning with Learn n' Play's early education programs.

A Higher Standard of Daycare
Enrolling your child in daycare can be a difficult decision. Studies have shown that children who begin in a high quality learning environment thrive in school, are more socially and emotionally secure, and display a higher level of verbal and intellectual development. With Learn n' Play’s professional staff, security measures, holistic environment and superior learning program, you know your child will receive the best care.
To give your child a head start in life, call Learn n' Play now, or schedule a free, no obligation consultation on daycare for infants.